Committee Members
Chairperson – Peter Delaney
Vice Chairperson – Julie Powrie
Treasurer – Catherine Simes
Secretary – Wendy Harris
Who Can Be a Member?
Liquor Accord members may involve a wide range of stakeholders from licensed venues such as hotels, pubs, clubs, small bars, bottleshops, cafes, restaurants, caterers, produce wholesalers and more.
Benefits of Being a Member
a reduction in under-age drinking, anti-social behaviour and crime, and alcohol-related violence in licensed venues in your community
safe, enjoyable entertainment and social environments for venue patrons
improved compliance with the liquor laws and your reputation as a compliant venue
collaborative and supportive relationships between licensees, local councils, patrons, residents and police
customised materials and resources tailored to meet your requirements
access to the latest liquor accord news, regulatory changes and industry updates